Industry leader, Jon Iwata, recently released his report on the progression path to the CCO position, and how essential their role is in pacesetting transformation at the company level.
CEOs across industries and regions are driving the greatest wave of transformation in generations. It is striking that not only are so many companies changing simultaneously, but many are changing into the same kind of company. We are seeing the emergence of a new business design.
We also see ample evidence that CCOs are playing a key role in helping CEOs transform their companies by defining, reinforcing or reviving corporate character – the unique, differentiating identity of the enterprise. At the same time, new digital capabilities are helping CCOs to engage stakeholders, authentically and effectively, to build a reputation, earn trust and achieve measurable results in entirely new ways.
“Pacesetting CCOs are playing a key role in helping CEOs transform their companies.”
While few CCOs who participated in our research are at the most advanced stage in any of these realms, the trends and trajectories are clear. To help CCOs and their teams continue to develop and grow, the centerpiece of this report is “Progression Paths.” There are four: one for CommTech and three — Brand, Culture and Societal Value — for the major elements of corporate character.
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