
Micro Focus’ ArcSight SIEM Stands the Test of Time

  • By milladmin
  • in CIO, CISO
  • on September 05, 2019

IT security threats are becoming all the more common and complex, but can you rely on your current SIEM to keep your data safe in the long run, especially with 5G’s promises for hyperconnectivity in the near future? 5G is one giant leap forward for data connectivity, and it’s crucial that your company’s SIEM is ready to back you up when the time comes. 

Micro Focus’ ArcSight has paved the way for SIEM for several years, and their most recent case study makes it self-evident as to why that’s the case. ArcSight has proven to cut costs by 50% for their customers, while also providing advanced threat detection with full visibility and reporting in near real-time. DNEX-Technology’s CEO, Rodney Lee, even reported that ArcSight enabled a projected 4-week project to be completed in just two weeks, and it’s sophisticated implementation filtered 80% of incoming events as noise, so the DNeX team could hone-in and primarily focus on high-risk areas. 

Rodney Lee says “Without it, I would not be able to run our mission-critical SOC, supporting all our customers with a minimum of two staff per shift. […] Even though the attack landscape is changing all the time, and becoming more challenging by the day, I feel in great hands with ArcSight.” 

ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager (ESM) is a comprehensive real-time threat detection, analysis, workflow, and compliance management platform with increased data enrichment capabilities. Hosted in a DNeX datacenter, ArcSight ESM processes, and analyses customer security logs with a typical lag time of fewer than five seconds. 

Click here for exclusive access to their most recent case study! 

Transformational CISO East

Due to the success of our National Transformational CISO Assembly, in 2019 The Millennium Alliance in partnership with our Advisory Board, has launched Transformation CISO East. This exclusive Assembly will bring industry experts and the best solution providers to our CISO Members based on the East Coast.

With the instances of cyber attacks increasing, businesses of all sizes are working tirelessly to secure their networks, devices, and data. Fortune 500 organizations are especially vulnerable as they have big data pools and thousands of people who need access. CISOs need to plan for worst-case scenarios, stay ahead of the latest IT Security transformation technology, and maintain their company’s information assets, all without losing sight of the corporate culture

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PUBLISHED BY milladmin

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