Interview with Bob Evans, Our Upcoming Keynote Speaker!

  • By Emily French
  • in
  • on October 16, 2019

We’re looking forward to our Digital Enterprise CIO Transformation & FSI Assembly at The Biltmore in Miami this November! Leading up to the assembly, we had the opportunity to interview our Keynote Speaker, Bob Evans, for a first-look at what’s to come.

About Bob Evans:

Bob Evans is one of the world’s leading analysts of the technology industry and the global phenomenon of digital transformation. In 2012, he was recruited by Oracle founder Larry Ellison to be the company’s first chief communications officer, and he left there after 5 years to launch the two businesses he runs today: Evans Strategic Communications LLC and Cloud Wars Media LLC. He’s given keynote talks about business innovation, digital transformation and customer-centric business on every continent on Earth (well, not Antarctica), and his daily analyses of the enterprise-technology market can be found on his media-company website at

Q: What would you say is your greatest strength, and how has that impacted your career trajectory?   

A: Listening. Some people think the biggest part of communications is speaking or writing, but that’s not the case. If you’re not a great listener, you cannot be a great communicator because you won’t really know what’s going on in the world around you because you’re so focused on what’s going on between your two ears. The business world moves incredibly fast and I’ve focused on looking for and listening to the big vectors driving those changes. Then, after absorbing as much external information and as many perspectives as I can, I develop and share my own analyses and viewpoints on what’s happening now, where things are headed, and why that matters.

Q: What is one mistake you witness leaders making more frequently than others?

A: Having an inside-out perspective rather than outside-in. Leaders must see the world through the eyes, actions and behaviors of customers, partners, prospects and disrupters.

Q: Your platform, Cloud Wars, keeps an eye on trends and growth in the market, so you are the perfect person to ask about what we should be keeping our eye on as we head into 2020. Any tech trend we should watch out for?

A: Three key things: developing new data-driven business models; leveraging your past but not being anchored to it; and putting the customer at the center of everything.

Q: We are excited to have you join us next month as Keynote Speaker. Can you give us a preview about the message or story you want to convey to our audience? What are you hoping to instill upon the executives?

A: Again, 3 key things: first, some bracing questions in the form of a “final exam” to help those executives get a better sense of their level of preparedness for competing and winning in the digital economy; second, 10-12 examples of world-class digital transformation from leading companies; third, exploring where companies are today versus where their customers *want* them to be. Thanks very much and I’m very excited to participate in your excellent event!

Digital Enterprise CIO Transformation Assembly

As more and more businesses look to digital technology and strategies to transform their business, CIOs know that data and information technology have never been more important. Understanding the convergence of mobile, social, and cloud is the first critical step for organizations looking to create opportunities and stay ahead of the competition.

The Millennium Alliance is thrilled to present our bi-annual Digital Enterprise Transformation Assembly, put together by the industry, for the industry. Join us in Miami, FL. for a series of executive education roundtables, keynote presentations, collaborative think tanks, educational workshops, and networking sessions will offer industry-specific topics and trends to ensure your company maintains its competitive advantage.

Are you interested in becoming a sponsor for this event? Click here today to learn more >>

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