How to Make the Most of Your Next Security Audit

  • By Paige Russo
  • in
  • on January 3, 2023

Contributed by Cyolo

The cybersecurity landscape has shifted at a tectonic scale over the past few years. As we approach 2023, the world is finally settling into something resembling normalcy.

For the first time since 2019, your end-of-year audit can fully assess the vulnerabilities created by the triage-heavy pandemic years.

Between legacy applications, over-permissioned vendors, and remote workers, the results of this year’s audit may be rough. But take heart. This year, your audit is not your finish line — it will serve as your baseline for moving forward. It’s also the perfect opportunity to outline mid- and long-term objectives for your security program.

This is the year to right-size the technology and processes that kept your organization afloat, refocusing them into contributors to strategy, business agility, and innovation, rather than barriers to advancement.

A New Lens for a New Landscape

The way businesses operate today could hardly be more different than the way thy ran just three years ago.

  • The digitization of business processes has increased your organization’s attack surface more than ever.
  • People have become the new network perimeter. Identity-based access control will be key to shoring up your security posture, especially for remote workers and third-party vendors.
  • Today’s rate of innovation and systems complexity has widened the gap of modernization between new and legacy tools, creating higher-stakes vulnerabilities.
  • An intense regulatory environment is only growing more rigorous, making compliance harder to achieve and driving the need to accommodate existing and emerging standards.
  • Cybersecurity insurers are increasing due diligence, requiring security basics like Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Single Sign-On (SSO). Companies that cannot comply face drastically higher premiums, if not outright denial of coverage.

Evaluating your security controls and posture the same way you did in 2019 won’t give you the clarity you need to make the most impactful decisions moving forward.

Download the full article here

About Cyolo

Cyolo’s unified platform securely connects local and mobile users to the tools and data they need, in the organizational network, cloud or IoT environments and even offline networks, regardless of where they are or what device they are using.

Cyolo provides users access to all the assets they need including, applications, resources, workstations, servers and files, without granting risky network access to information assets.

To learn more about Cyolo visit 

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