
Workgrid’s Six Strategies for Creating a Successful Digital Workplace

  • By milladmin
  • in Uncategorized
  • on August 28, 2020

A global pandemic has turned the business environment on its ear, accelerating the growth of the remote work trend and requiring organizations to make rapid, often creative adjustments to their digital workplace strategies in order to keep the business up and running.

While the shift has mostly been successful, many workers are reporting feeling burnt out from the stress of having to manage conflicting priorities and organizations are figuring out that in order to be productive and efficient, employees need to feel supported and be given the right resources.

So how can companies empower every employee in all of the unique situations that this “New Abnormal” has created? And how can they continue to create experiences that support the success of employees and the organization over the long-term?

Workgrid’s guide has the answers.

Digital Enterprise CIO


In the midst of a global crisis, innovation and leadership are more important than ever, and The Millennium Alliance is here to facilitate collaboration among industry leaders. We are hosting our Digital Enterprise CIO Transformation Virtual Assembly to promote Executive Education and Digital Transformation through peer-to-peer connection, thought leadership, and more. We’re excited to open up the lines of communication among industry executives and thought leaders so that we come out of the pandemic smarter, stronger, and more united than ever.

Join us for a series of virtual executive education roundtables, keynote presentations, collaborative think tanks, educational workshops, and networking sessions that will offer industry-specific topics and trends to ensure your company maintains its competitive advantage.

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PUBLISHED BY milladmin

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