When we are young, most of us are taught the basic fundamentals of learning. Tools like the A-B-C’s, how to properly write a sentence, and 2+2=4 are ingrained in our mind’s until these tools become second nature to us.
As professionals, these lessons are a bit (okay, ALOT) more complex, and if you are really dedicated to your craft, no matter what level you are at professionally, the learning does not stop.
Learning Is Listening
We hold the ability to learn new things on an every-day basis in the professional world. Learning does not always involve opening up a book, or even using Google to answer your questions, (even though let’s be honest, that does make things easier). Learning starts with listening to those around you in your environment.
As a c-suite executive, Director or just an overall team leader, learning can involve implementing a new process into a business, and while doing so, discovering what works, what doesn’t and why. Learning involves listening to your employees, hearing what they have to say and letting it absorb in your mental processes, impacting the next time you make a decision that affects your team.
As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power”, and that statement holds true today for those in the c-suite and beyond.
Evolving Is Key To Staying Ahead
I recently read a report on CIO Dive which originally inspired me to write this article. In the report, it stated that c-level executives are increasingly returning back to higher education in order to learn new tools, stay ahead and most importantly, remain current when it comes to technology that is increasingly developing as years go on.
According to the report, “When a C-suite position opens, it’s common for companies to consider the same circulation of seasoned professionals.”
Because of the technological disruption happening in most industries, a need for a technical-savvy generation is crucial for the success of an enterprise looking to move forward. As a result, professionals interested in moving up the ladder to the c-suite must be prepared to meet the new standard of business, by continuing their education and learning new tools needed to be successful, especially on the technology front.
“Technology ultimately impacts revenue, the customer market and consumer behaviors. All of this contributes to a change in the overall business model.” CIO Dive reports.
Disruption can happen in a blink of an eye, especially in fields like retail and marketing, and security. As soon as one tech trend is proven to make strides in the industry, most businesses jump on board to evolve their company’s business structure by adopting that tool.
The same goes for major enterprises who make decisions that ultimately change the entire dynamic of the industry.
“Take Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods…. All of a sudden grocers were met with a disruption tied to 100 million Amazon Prime members. Whole Foods was no longer disruptive to the grocers in a five mile radius, it was now in consumers’ mobile devices and homes.”CIO Dive reports.
Technology can be intricate, with many different components involved. It involves different aspects like security, privacy, analytics, and data. Learning from peers, increasing your education and keeping an open mind are all keys to success while staying ahead of the competition, and most importantly, evolving.
We also hold really awesome events that bring esteemed executives together to learn and bounce new ideas off each other, and so much more… Just sayin’. Learn more below!
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With the instances of cyber attacks increasing, businesses of all sizes are working tirelessly to secure their networks, devices, and data. Fortune 500 organizations are especially vulnerable as they have big data pools and thousands of people who need access. CISOs need to plan for worst-case scenarios, stay ahead of the latest IT Security transformation technology, and maintain their company’s information assets, all without losing sight of the corporate culture.
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