The onset of SCA has significant implications for merchants in Europe that sell in digital channels in addition to many of those selling cross-border into Europe. Among the most pertinent is the impact on the checkout experience, which stands to see added friction through the introduction of additional steps to complete a purchase. While cart abandonment and decreases in conversion rates are legitimate concerns, on the flipside is the prospect of improved authorization rates and a reduction in fraud losses should SCA play out as intended. Importantly, SCA also creates an opportunity for a competitive advantage. Those merchants best able to integrate SCA into their checkout flow and effectively apply exemptions will separate themselves from the pack by minimizing customer impact. To achieve this, it will be critical to align with payment providers that have a deep commitment to the customer experience and can deliver a comprehensive and streamlined response to SCA.
About Jordan McKee, Research Director at 451 Research
I’m a Research Director at 451 Research, a leading IT research and advisory firm focused on innovation and emerging technologies. I direct 451’s global coverage of the payments ecosystem, with an emphasis on the major trends impacting payment networks, issuing and acquiring banks, payment processors and point-of-sale providers. Prior to 451 I was an analyst at mobility research firm Yankee Group covering mobile money strategies. I am listed on the Electronic Transactions Association’s Forty Under 40 list for 2018 and speak regularly at a variety client and industry events, including SXSW, Money20/20 and Interop. Additionally, I serve as a judge for the GSMA’s Global Mobile Awards. I hold a bachelor’s degree with a concentration in marketing from Bryant University.