The day is finally here! Today, The Millennium Alliance is proud to announce the launch of our new Digital Diary Blog website! You may be wondering, is it still the Digital Diary you know and love? YES! However, our new website is for our blog and our blog alone. Gone are the days in which you can get lost in the shuffle on our the Mill-All homepage geared to those attending one of our assemblies this year.
We posted our top blogs from each industry to spark your interest in our new website. In the future, we will be exploring everything from guest blogging opportunities to exclusive interviews with executives or members of your company, all right here! So sit tight as we get ready to provide those options for you to an advantage of.
We are currently in the process of switching all of our content from our Millennium Alliance’s blog page to here, so if your favorite blog is missing, do not fret! It will all be on this platform in no time. You can either find our new Digital Diary Blog website here, or you can go to our website and find the URL on our old Digital Diary page.
If you are a C-Level executive, an industry leader, thought leader or an analyst to name a few, we created this website with you in mind. Based on content collected from our Membership, Advisory Board, Thought Leaders, Speakers, and Sponsors, Digital Diary has all you need to know in one, cohesive place. If you are not one of those I listed above, we welcome you! We appreciate the time you have taken to explore our blog, and we hope you are able to take something away from it.
Top Articles Include:
- Digital Transformation Is Changing The Leadership Role
- Co-Working Is The Hottest New Retail Concept, All Thanks To WeWork
- You Want A Revolution, I Want A Revelation
- Real-Time Push Payments Are Here To Stay In Financial Services
- Rethinking Business, Branding & Life with Jim Stengel, Digital Retail & Digital Marketing Transformation Assembly Keynote
Digital Diary is our leading content and news platform, so we are excited for the journey that is ahead of us. Interested in coming along the journey? Subscribe to our blog and never miss out on an update! Happy reading!
Click here for the new and improved Digital Diary.
Meet Our Authors:
– Freya Smale is Vice President of Marketing, Product and Client Services at The Millennium Alliance, Editor-In-Chief at Digital Diary, contributor for Forbes, Business2Community, and Marketer in New York. Freya writes mostly about digital marketing transformation, and the industries looking to the latest digital technology to transform in 2017. You can find her online @FSmale tweeting about #marketing #leadership #digitaltransformation and the occasional shoutout to the Welsh rugby team. Or connect with her on LinkedIn.
– Catherine Hand is the Marketing Coordinator at The Millennium Alliance and Editor of Digital Diary. A recent graduate of Siena College in Albany and New York newbie, Cat assists in the creation and implementation of social media, the event agendas, brochures, E-Books, and frequently write blogs for Digital Diary on topics from all industries from Marketing to Information Technology. You can connect with her on LinkedIn.
– Jenny Schecher is a Client Services Director & Social Media Manager at The Millennium Alliance. Jenny is an avid contributor to our blog, Digital Diary, as well as all social media platforms. When she is not writing about digital transformation and technology, she is working with her team to make visions come to life at our events. (and eating all of NYC’s best food.) Follow her on Instagram: @jennyschecs or find her on LinkedIn!
– Cara Bernstein is Manager, Executive Education Partnerships at The Millennium Alliance. She works with Thought Leaders at the Millennium Alliance assemblies and is also a contributor to Digital Diary. Cara writes about different industries preparing for the digital revolution. You can catch Cara on LinkedIn and on twitter @CaraBernstein