Event Overview

Transformational CISO West

We’re thrilled that you’re interested in Transformational CISO West Coast in August 2019. With the instances of cyber attacks increasing, businesses of all sizes are working tirelessly to secure their networks, devices, and data. Fortune 500 organizations are especially vulnerable as they have big data pools and thousands of people who need access. CISOs need to plan for worst-case scenarios, stay ahead of the latest IT Security transformation technology, and maintain their company’s information assets, all without losing sight of the corporate culture. Are you interested in becoming a sponsor for this event? Click here today to learn more >> Are you interested in attending this event? Inquire here today to find out if you qualify for Millennium Membership >>
  • 118 Days
  • 14 Hours
  • 36 Minutes
  • 24 Seconds

76% of the Fortune 100 attends

In our nearly 10-year tenure we've connected thousands of peers across every industry.

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We know what you’re thinking…

This isn’t like any conference or summit you’ve been to before.

Our Founders, like many C-Suite executives today, became disillusioned by the slew of cybersecurity conferences, summits, events, and webinars that promised “world-class networking” opportunities with leading cybersecurity decision-makers. In reality, most of these events had antiquated or irrelevant discussion topics, and people from any seniority level could attend. The problem is: most events don’t have the high-level research and insights that C-Suite leaders are looking for.


Our Assembly agendas are data-driven and curated from our industry-expert Advisory Board, a group of trailblazers with a proven record of digitally transforming organizations from the ground up, and the leaders that attend our events. They have either been personally invited to join or have an approved application to be a part of the Assembly. This ensures that our events remain high-level and relevant to the C-Suite, and makes peer-to-peer learning one of the most valuable takeaways from the experience. Our mission is to provide the C-Suite with the knowledge and connections they need to digitally transform their organizations.


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