#MillenniumLive: Opal: Where Marketing Comes Together

Welcome back to #MillenniumLive, the podcast where we explore the tools and trends that are shaping the future of marketing. Today, we’re joined by George Huff, CEO of Opal, a platform that’s revolutionizing how marketing teams operate and align. In this episode, we delve into the challenges Opal was designed to solve—specifically the ongoing struggle of alignment within marketing organizations. George shares what sets Opal apart, from its unified view of marketing plans to its seamless integration. George also walks us through Opal’s origin story, born out of the founders’ frustration with the chaos of marketing alignment in complex organizations.

As we explore why enterprise-level marketing teams struggle with alignment, George highlights the pitfalls of misalignment across organizational layers, from strategic disconnects at the top to duplicated efforts on individual teams. We zoom in on one of Opal’s standout features, the Strategic Planner, which provides executives with a comprehensive view of marketing strategies—essential for leaders aiming to track progress and make informed decisions. With marketing budgets tightening and a shift back towards brand marketing, George explains why organizational alignment is more critical than ever for demonstrating marketing’s value as a growth driver.

Tune in to this episode of the official podcast of The Millennium Alliance to see how Opal truly offers the potential to transform an organization, empowering CMOs and marketing leaders to drive meaningful and impactful changes in their marketing strategies. Finally…A Platform Built for Marketers!

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About Opal

Opal is the planning platform built for marketers to plan, create & calendar their content. Marketing and communications teams that trust Opal experience tight alignment, high levels of efficiency, and the ability to see their work through the eyes of their customers.

Learn how Opal drives results for best-in-class brands like Starbucks, Target, Activision, GM, and countless others.

To learn more, visit workwithopal.com

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