Jack Barsky

28 Feb - 2019

Jack Barsky is a retired Information Technology executive with over thirty years of experience. During his career he has held management positions, up to and including the role of CIO at a number of Fortune 200 companies such as MetLife, United HealthCare, Prudential, ConEdison, and NRG Energy.

Jack graduated as valedictorian with a Bachelor of Business Administration from Baruch College. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Chemistry from the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena Germany, except in those days he was known as Albrecht Dittrich.

He cut short his university career to join the KGB and came to the US as an undercover agent in 1987. His life story was featured in May of 2015 on CBS 60 Minutes. Jack resides with his wife and daughter in the Atlanta area where he is busy putting the finishing touches on his upcoming book “Deep Undercover”.

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