
With consumer demands evolving at a rapid pace in today’s innovation economy, we have decided to gather a select group of 10-15 top cybersecurity leaders from forward-thinking brands to participate in open-format discussions about the current trends and evolving challenges the industry is facing.


Prospect | San Francisco, CA

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Strategically curating like-minded leaders in a relaxed but focused manner

Creating an environment conducive for you to establish powerful connections

Identifying new opportunities to ensure your brand sustains its competitive advantage

Roundtable Discussions

During the Dinner you will participate in an interactive roundtable discussion of your choosing. Below are the topics:

  • IMMEDIATE RISK MITIGATION | Data-In-Use encryption enabling the immediate removal of plaintext data breaches
  • SIGNIFICANT COST REDUCTION | Data-In-Use encryption enabling operational cost savings across HSM, Cloud, Energy, Manual Labor all the way to the consolidation of out-of-date solutions such as Synthetic Data, Tokenization, Anonymization etc
  • VALUE CREATION & THRIVING ALONGSIDE COMPLIANCE | Unlocking the value of Encrypted Data & Enable organizations to thrive alongside compliance

Dinner Format

  • Cocktails & Networking
  • Welcome Address
  • Dinner and Roundtable Discussion
  • Dessert and Closing Remarks
Dinners Food Millennium Alliance

About Vaultree

Vaultree has developed the world’s first fully functional data-in-use encryption solution that solves the industry’s fundamental security issue: persistent data encryption, even in the event of a leak. Vaultree enables enterprises, including those in the financial services and healthcare /pharmaceutical sectors, to mitigate the great financial, cyber, legal, reputational, and business risk of a data breach.

With Vaultree, organizations process, search and compute ubiquitous data at scale, without ever having to surrender encryption keys or decrypt server-side. If a leak occurs, Vaultree’s data-in-use encryption persists, rendering the data unusable to bad actors. Integrating Vaultree into existing database technologies is seamless, requiring no technology or platform changes. Google and other data-driven companies worldwide trust Vaultree to safeguard sensitive data.

To learn more, please visit vaultree.com.

About Vaultree

Vaultree has developed the world’s first fully functional data-in-use encryption solution that solves the industry’s fundamental security issue: persistent data encryption, even in the event of a leak. Vaultree enables enterprises, including those in the financial services and healthcare /pharmaceutical sectors, to mitigate the great financial, cyber, legal, reputational, and business risk of a data breach.

With Vaultree, organizations process, search and compute ubiquitous data at scale, without ever having to surrender encryption keys or decrypt server-side. If a leak occurs, Vaultree’s data-in-use encryption persists, rendering the data unusable to bad actors. Integrating Vaultree into existing database technologies is seamless, requiring no technology or platform changes. Google and other data-driven companies worldwide trust Vaultree to safeguard sensitive data.

To learn more, please visit vaultree.com.