
With the advent of Gen AI, business leaders are struggling with how to maximize the newly unveiled potential in their organizations. With these challenges in mind, we have decided to gather a select group of 10-15 top product & marketing leaders from forward-thinking brands to participate in open-format discussions about the current trends and evolving challenges the industry is facing.


Prospect | San Francisco, CA

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Strategically curating like-minded leaders in a relaxed but focused manner

Creating an environment conducive for you to establish powerful connections

Identifying new opportunities to ensure your brand sustains its competitive advantage

Roundtable Discussions

During the Dinner you will participate in an interactive roundtable discussion of your choosing. Below are the topics:

  • How to get the most out of Generative AI in translations
  • How to change paradigms on a moving train and implement Gen AI without breaking mission-critical translations in motion
  • How to manage data privacy when it comes to Generative AI In translations

Dinner Format

  • Cocktails & Networking
  • Welcome Address
  • Dinner and Roundtable Discussion
  • Dessert and Closing Remarks
Dinners Food Millennium Alliance

About Bureau Works

Bureau Works has integrated Gen AI into BWX in a seamless way that allows global organizations to effectively reduce their translation spend by up to 80% while at the same time increasing quality and decreasing their time-to-market.

By unifying all content streams, whether via API integrations or by capturing emailed files, Bureau Works enables comprehensive oversight of translation and localization operations. Using our innovative tools, you can setup reliable and automated workflows, streamline in-country review, and use rich quality data to proactively manage quality.

About Bureau Works

Bureau Works has integrated Gen AI into BWX in a seamless way that allows global organizations to effectively reduce their translation spend by up to 80% while at the same time increasing quality and decreasing their time-to-market.

By unifying all content streams, whether via API integrations or by capturing emailed files, Bureau Works enables comprehensive oversight of translation and localization operations. Using our innovative tools, you can setup reliable and automated workflows, streamline in-country review, and use rich quality data to proactively manage quality.